Are Tattoos Cool Again? What to Know before Getting a Tattoo

Tattoos have always been cool. While tattoos today primarily serve as a form of self-expression, people from just about every culture since prehistoric times have tattooed themselves for specific practices.

Ancient cultures around the world used tattoos as a ritualistic adornment and decoration. Tattoos marked a person's rank within a tribe, indicated a person's status in society, or even signified a person's religious beliefs. Archaeologists found the oldest tattoos on a mummy from the 5th century BC in Egypt. They also found tattoos on the backs of mummies from the Bronze Age in China.

In the ancient Americas, people also used tattoos for spiritual and healing purposes. The Mayans and Aztecs used tattoos to mark their servants and prisoners of war. In Polynesia, tattoos identified family members and marked milestones in a person's life.

Why Are Tattoos Sometimes Viewed with Stigma?

It's crucial to stress that different cultures have different views about tattoos. As mentioned earlier, many societies viewed tattooing as a way to distinguish themselves or to indicate specific milestones and social classes. Even in today's societies, your opinion about tattoos is strongly influenced by religious beliefs, political views, ethnicity, and more.

However, in some societies, tattoos are viewed with stigma. This is mainly because of the association of tattoos with criminal activity and gang affiliation. The modern interpretation of tattoos also has a long-standing association with rebellion, which can make them less desirable to those who prefer a more conservative lifestyle.

Fortunately, the modern trend is moving toward more open-minded attitudes, and tattoos have become more popular with young adults and even older populations.

When Did Tattoos Start to Become More Popular? 

Tattoos have been around since ancient times but became more popular in the late 20th century. During this period, tattoos began to symbolize personal expression rather than a sign of criminality or gang affiliation. Tattoos became more socially accepted as celebrities, athletes, and other public figures started openly displaying their tattoos.

The popularity of tattoos has continued to grow since then. The rise of social media has made it even easier for people to share photos of their tattoos and gain inspiration from others. Additionally, the development of new technologies has allowed people to get tattoos with more intricate designs and vibrant colors. This has helped to make tattoos even more popular, and today they are seen as art by many.

Should You Take the Leap and Get Yourself Inked?

The bottom line is that it's up to you. But one thing you should do before heading to the nearest Atlanta Tattoo shop is to have a plan.

Start by deciding what type of tattoo you'd like. Whether you're looking for a small, simple tattoo or something more intricate, deciding this first is essential. You can also search the internet for tattoo designs you like and narrow down your choices from there.

Once you've decided on a design, finding an experienced tattoo artist specializing in the style of tattoo you want is crucial. Not all tattoo artists specialize in the same types of tattoos, so it's essential to find one with the experience and skill to create the perfect tattoo for you.

Look nowhere else but Atlanta Ink for your first tattoo. We have the best tattoo artists in Georgia to cater to your tattoo needs. Book an appointment with us today!


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